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Find the full story of the Prelude here.

Play Unofficial FaB PvE: Siege of Solana for the full play experience.

Reward for a successful completion:

10 XP, 1 Gold

Campaign Start

  1. Rules for Campaign

  2. Print out Market and character's sheets

    • This is made to print out front and back.​

  3. Create a Commoner deck; however, for weapon and equipment, only include what is on your character sheet.

  4. Start the game with 1 Gold which you may immediately use on a quest

  5. Create 100 card Shadow deck. At least 60 cards must have Blood Debt. Example Shadow Deck

    • To create a quick Shadow deck you may take Chane and Levia precons, remove the hero and equipment and shuffle the decks together. If you are playing with 4 or more players you may need to add cards (it will only be 80 cards) but most games it will not matter.​


If you want less of a D&D experience you only need to create the Shadow deck, then grab a deck that is already created from one of the follow:

Clash/Precon/Round the Table: This is the perfect power level for each Chapter.

Commoner: Lower the power level of the Shadow deck.

Blitz: Add the Optional Add-on in each Chapter to increase the power level to be in line with what is in a Blitz 


Chapter 1 - Dimenxxional Gateways

Tattered, bloodied and exhausted, Our bodies bear the scars of the fierce conflict. We find ourselves standing at the war table within the battered confines of Solana. Outside, the air is thick with smoke, a somber reminder of the brutal aftermath. Despite the devastation that surrounds us, Solana remains an unyielding bastion, a symbol of unwavering resistance against the encroaching shadows.


Before us, Ser Boltyn commands our attention, his gaze unwavering as it sweeps across a map of Rathe. With a firm yet wearied hand, he places markers upon key locations.


"Our reports indicate the emergence of these accursed Dimensional Gates at these marked locations. It is an immense burden to bear, but our city's survival hinges upon the collective efforts of every able soul within these walls. I acknowledge the enormity of this request, yet it falls upon your shoulders to undertake the crucial task of sealing these gates."


His voice does not waver; it resonates with a commitment that refuses to be shaken by the trials we've endured. We have never shied away from adversity, we stand ready to embrace this new challenge. The shadows may have advanced, leaving a trail of ruin in their wake, but they have not conquered our spirit. 


In the face of Ser Boltyn's steadfast resolve, we find our own determination bolstered. The war-torn room, the survivors' efforts, and the city's unyielding defiance coalesce into a powerful force that propels us forward. With the weight of the world upon our shoulders, we steel ourselves for the battle ahead, ready to confront the unknown and safeguard our realm from the encroaching darkness.


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Scenario Rules


Win Conditions

​Your party will need to close the Dimenxxional Gateways. You win by bringing all gates to 0 HP.


Shadow Deck Components

  • Shadow Deck - Use your pre-built Shadow deck. Sample Here

  • Yellow Dimenxxional Gate equal to players


Scenario Setup​

  • For each player in the party, put a yellow Dimenxxional Gate onto the battlefield in front of them. The abilities and shadow allies from that gate will affect the player that it is in front of.

  • Each gate acts as though it is a young hero with 20hp and 4 intellect (put a token young hero underneath the gate to show the stats if you would like)


Scenario Rules

  • Gates HP- when a gate reaches 0 HP, turn the gate sideways. All monsters in them are put onto the field. It still adds its Opt and Resources to the total but only does Phase 2.

  • Gates Intellect- A gate's intellect shows how many cards can be in the gate at a time, ready to be summoned. You cannot add more cards to the gate if it is at it’s intellect limit.

  • Opt x- total number of cards you reveal until you stop revealing cards.

  • Shadow's Resources- each resource stat on the Dimenxxional Gateway (top right corner)  add to the total of resources the Shadow has that turn.

  • Attack actions become shadow allies and reactions and non attack actions attach to them. Follow the rules of section “5.5 Allies” found in the FaB Campaign Rules.


Shadow Turn - Goes 1st every game


Phase 1- Reinforce the gateways

  • Opt x- one at a time flip over the cards and add them behind the gates, starting with the gate that has the least amount of cards in it going from left to right (if all the same, start with the leftmost gate) until you have flipped x cards. Each flip card goes on top of the pile. If a gate has 4 cards, skip that gate. If all gates have 4 cards then stop. This counts as the gate’s hand and any abilities that target the gate’s hand come from these cards.


Phase 2 - Gate overload

  • Gate Ability- Then do the ability of each gate by flipping over the top card of the deck. If it is a runeblade card, deal damage to the player the gate is in front of. If it’s a shadow card, banish it.


Phase 3 - Gates open

  • Add total resources from all active Dimenxxional Gateways. Start with the player that has the least amount of shadow allies in front of them. Spend the resources to play the top card behind the gate. Then go to the gate on the right and do it again until all resources are spent. The Shadow does not stop until it hits 0 or negative. A card will always be played if they have 1 or more resources and it would put them into the negative. If the shadow hits 0 but the next card costs 0, play the card.

  • If a card has an extra cost such as banishing cards from the graveyard but it can not be completed, put it on the bottom of Gateways hand and play the next card. If you can’t play any of the cards from the Gateway, move onto the next Gateway.

  • If a non attack is played, do what it says and then attach it to an attack action in front of the player. If there is none, attach it randomly to an attack action on the battlefield. If there is none on the battlefield, discard the card. Add the block value of the card to the total HP of the Shadow Ally as shown in FaB Campaign Rules “5.4 Allies”

    • Example: a Red Seeds of Agony is played. The next attack action with 2 or less gains deal 1 arcane damage. It is then attached to a red Writhing Beast Hulk, increasing his HP from 3 to 5.


Phase 4 - Attack

All shadow allies attack the player they are in front of, one at a time, from left to right . Shadow allies have go again. Shadow allies stay on the field.


Heroe’s Turn

  • Each Hero takes a turn, one at a time. On each attack you may choose to attack any shadow ally or a Dimenxxional Gate on the battlefield.

  • Attacking Dimenxxional gates- when any member attacks a Dimenxxional Gateway,  the Dimexxional gate will prevent the first 2 damage (2 is the block value on a gate) of every attack that is made against it.

    • Example: Briar plays a Red Mauvrion skies and a Red Arcanic Crackle, which now has go again. The gateway prevents 2 damage, so it prevents 1 arcane and 1 physical and takes 2 damage. Because the attack hits, Briar creates 3 Runechants. Briar then plays Red Lightning Surge. The gateway prevents 2 runechants, takes 1 arcane damage and 4 physical from the lightning surge.


Designer’s Note: This is made to replay for rewards


Optional Add-ons

  • Dimenxxional Gateways Surge: add 1 Yellow to a Dimenxxional Gateway to the middle of the battlefield. When Shadow allies release from it, put it them in front of the player with with least amount. Gain +1XP on Success.



Gain 5 XP and 1 Gold

Roll for Reward


Gain 3 XP and 1 Copper

Chapter 2 - The Iron Shadow

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Amidst the crumbling remnants of the final gate, we find ourselves enveloped in a chaotic storm of fire and debris. The air reverberates with the jarring symphony of explosions and infernal cries, emanating from the abyss behind the shattered gates. As daylight fades, the encroaching shadows elongate and intertwine, casting an eerie cloak over us.


Emerging from the darkness, a towering figure clad in formidable armor makes her presence known. A twisted crown of metal rests upon her head, adding to her imposing visage. Suddenly, an otherworldly wail pierces the air, a sound so chilling that its very vibrations seem to repel us, pushing us back.


A gate of ancient runes materializes, and from within it emerges a grotesque abomination, a nightmarish fusion of flesh and decay. Its unhinged jaw unleashes a cacophony of voices—thousands of damned souls seem to speak through it, their anguished chorus sending shivers down our spines.

"I am Vynnset," proclaims the armored figure, her voice carrying the weight of ages and malevolence. "And you shall bend to the unyielding will of Nasreth."


Scenario Rules


Win Conditions

​Your party is facing off against Vynnset. Bring her HP to 1 before all of your party members have 0 HP or Vynnset has no cards left in her deck or hand.


Shadow Deck Components

  • Shadow Deck - Use your pre-built Shadow deck. Sample Here

  • Vynnset token (young or old)

  • Darkness shadow equipment (Shroud of Darkness, Cloak of Darkness, Grasp of Darkness, Dance of Darkness)​

  • Flail of Agony

  • Arcane Lantern


Scenario Setup

  • Vynnset Setup

    • Put a Vynnset card on the board (young or adult)

    • Put a Darkness shadow common equipment equal to the number of players (Shroud of Darkness, Cloak of Darkness, Grasp of Darkness, Dance of Darkness)​

    • Put Flail of Agony and Arcane Lantern in the off-hand

  • Put 4 cards next to Vynnset, this is their hand.

  • Note: for quicker play, I make the hand a pile and do everything that requires an action from hand (such as banishing) from the top of the pile. 

  • Vynnsett has 20HP per player.


Scenario Rules

  • All cards in Vynnsets banish zone gain Rune Gate

  • All Shadow cards have go again.

  • Vynnset does not pay resource costs for any defense reactions.

  • Vynnsett plays a turn before each player

    • Vynnset attacks player 1, then player 1 plays their turn. Vynnset attacks player 2, then player 2 plays their turn etc.


Vynnset's Turn - Goes 1st every game

Phase 1 - Hero ability

  • At the start of their turn, Vynnset banishes a card and creates a runechant if she can.


Phase 2 - Runechant charge

  • Reveal cards from the top of the deck until you hit a non Blood Debt card. Put them into the pitch stack. 


Phase 3 - Attack

  • Vynnset plays the top card of the banish zone and keeps playing until they play an attack action they can play because of Rune Gate.

  • If she can’t play the top card (its a reaction or she does not have enough Runechants for Rune Gate) put it on the bottom of the stack and check the next card. If she can’t play any card in the banish zone, skip this step.

  • If she plays a shadow non attack action, she will lose a life and the first runechant cannot be prevented.

  • If she cannot Rune Gate anymore, she will attack with Flail of Agony, losing a life.


Phase 4 - End Turn

  • Vynnset puts her pitch stack on the bottom of her deck. 

  • Vynnset now draws until she has 4 cards. If there are no cards in the deck, she wins the scenario. 

  • Vynnset loses life to blood debt in her banish zone


Player’s Turn

  • Play your turn as you would normally in Flesh and Blood

  • When you attack, put a random card from Vynnset’s hand until the attack is fully blocked. If she runs out of cards, she will block with her equipment.

  • If you deal arcane damage, she will pitch using Arcane Lantern


Optional Add-ons

  • Iron Maiden: She does not lose HP from Blood Debt. Gain +1XP on Success.



Gain 5 XP and 1 Gold

Roll for Reward


Gain 3 XP and 1 Copper

Chapter 3 - Tremor of íArathael

Vynnset, a name that struck terror in hearts.


The darkness envelopes us, weaving its sinister tapestry around us. The very ground fractures, rending the earth and sky asunder. It resembles a canvas being violently torn, revealing a horrifying revelation beneath. To call it terrifying would be an understatement. Before us lay an ethereal realm, a vibrant, jagged landscape,. A profound burden weighed upon us, a magic unlike any other, its essence pulsating like a delicate spider's web. We were mere flies to this otherworldly entity, a plaything in its hands as it sought to imprison us.

Scenario Rules


Win Conditions

Defeat all Spell Webs and survive any counter attack.


Shadow Deck Components

  • Shadow Deck - Use your pre-built Shadow deck. Sample Here


Scenario Setup

Shadow Deck - Use your pre-built Shadow deck. Sample Here

  • Create a Shadow Demon Hero

    • Create 4 Spell Webs by placing a 5 HP dice to represent each Spell Web (the Shadow Demon Hero has a total of 20HP)

    • Put a card in front of each Spell Web for each player. This represents the Shadow hero's hand.

      • (Ex: If there are 2 Players, put 2 cards in front of each Spell Web.)


Scenario Rules​

  • All of the Opponent's cards have go again.

  • When a Spell Web is attacked, defend with the cards in front of the Spell Web that are face up. Do not remove the cards (if you attack with dominate only defend with the top face-up card)

  • If a Spell Web is attacked by arcane, prevent damage equal to the amount of pitch value in the cards in front of the Spell Web.


Shadow Turn - Goes 1st every game

Phase 1 - Spell Webs Unleashed

  • Put cards one at a time in front of each player.

  •  Put all non-attack actions at the front of the line. 

  • Any reactions are applied if they meet the requirement. If there is no card, discard the reaction.

  • ex: Pummel is applied to a 2 or greater cost card.


Phase 2 - Spell Webs Replenish

  • Put a card for each number of players in front of each Spell web.


Phase 3 - Spell Webs Trigger

  • Starting with Player 1, go through the chain links that were setup in Phase 1.

  • After each player, discard the cards that attacked them.

  • If a card does not meet the requirement to play, discard it.

  • Ex: some cards require you to banish cards from your graveyard while others require you to banish a 6 Attack or above to play. If you do not meet those requirements, discard the card.


Player’s Turn

  • Players gain "Action: Once during your turn, you may discard a card, and banish a random card in the target Spell Webs hand by turning it facedown until the start of opponent's turn. Go again."

  • Each player goes one at a time in order.

  • If a player defeats a spell web, put each card from the Spell Web in front of the player. The Spell Web cards will immediately trigger and attack. Ignore any play requirements such as discarding from graveyard or hand. The player may defend the attacks.

  • Follow Phase 1 rules only for those cards.



Optional Add-ons

  • Caught in a web: Play with an additional Spell Web. Gain +1XP on Success.



Gain 5 XP and 1 Gold

Roll for Reward


Gain 3 XP and 1 Copper

Chapter 4 - The Captive

As the spell webs dissipate, you find yourselves once again in the eerie desert surrounded by jagged cliffs. You stumble upon a figure, frail and broken, gasping for breath on the unforgiving ground.


Without hesitation, you and your companions rush to the stranger's side, doing your best to revive him. Through careful resuscitation efforts, he slowly regains consciousness. His first breaths are shallow, but soon he is able to speak.

The stranger expresses immense gratitude for your timely intervention, his voice weak but filled with relief. He tells a tale of a wanderer who had been trapped in this desolate place for what felt like an eternity. He had been searching for a way out, but the oppressive landscape had taken its toll on him.


With newfound hope and determination, he shares his knowledge of a possible escape that came to him in visions.. He speaks of a hidden passage through the cliffs and offers to lead the way. Together, you and your newfound ally begin your journey to find this hidden passage and make your escape from the unforgiving realm. The path ahead is uncertain, but with the stranger’s guidance and your combined strength, you are determined to overcome the challenges that lie ahead and seek freedom from this desolate realm.

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Scenario Rules


Win Conditions

Survive 10 turns without the stranger's Health reaching 0 HP.​


Shadow Deck Components

  • Shadow Deck - Use your pre-built Shadow deck. Sample Here

  • Young adult hero with 20 hp for the stranger

  • Blasmophet/Ursur Token (or a double sided token to represent it)


Scenario Setup

  • Put a young token with 20HP on the board to represent the stranger. They are a character and take a turn but do not have cards to play

  • Put a ursur/blasmophet token in front of the stranger on the Ursur side with 6 HP per player.

    • The demon token is a shadow player.


Scenario Rules​

  • The shadow takes a turn before each player.

  • The stranger takes a turn after all players have gone just like a player but does not have a cards to play.

  • Once all players have gone, including the stranger, you have completed 1 round. 

  • Attack actions become shadow allies and reactions and non attack actions attach to them. Follow the rules of section “5.5 Allies” found in the FaB Campaign Rules.


Shadow Turn - Goes 1st every game


Skip these steps when it is the shadows turn for the stranger. See Strangers turn for details.


Phase 1: Shadows Appear

  • At the start of the shadow players turn, they play a card. If it says go again or is a reaction then flip over the next card.

    • Reactions are attached to the last card played and the card gains the ability if it meets the criteria.

    • Non attack actions are attached to the next attack action played. 

  • Each attack action is now a shadow with its HP equal to the total defense of the attack action card + any non attack or reactions attached to it. 


Phase 2: Shadows Attack

  • Each shadow ally has go again and attacks.


Player’s Turn


  • Each player may attack a shadow ally or the blasmophet/ursur token in front of the stranger. 



  • If ursur/blasmophet still has HP left, deal 6 damage that counts as a weapon attacking.

  • If ursur/blasmophet's HP is 0, flip the card to the other side and it gains full HP (6*number of players)

  • The stranger plays no cards



Optional Add-ons

  • Weakened Stranger: Stranger has 15 HP. Gain +1XP on Success.



Gain 5 XP and 1 Gold

Roll for Reward


Gain 3 XP and 1 Copper

Chapter 5 - Living Legend

An eerie and mysterious sound unfolds as a voice beckons you into its grasp, shrouding you in darkness and robbing you of your senses. A faint, ethereal light begins to pierce through, gradually revealing a shape that casts an eclipse upon you. The voice declares, "I am free!" echoing in your minds.


From the eclipse descends a figure, the stranger who beckoned you. However, he is transformed, now clad in shimmering black armor and wielding dark sword. As Chane descends, his sword separates into pieces, a display of otherworldly power.


With a menacing tone, Chane declares, "I have returned from legend. Heroes of Solana, you will not leave this place alive!"


The fate of Solana hangs in the balance as the confrontation begins.

Scenario Rules


Win Conditions

Defeat Chane by bringing his hp to 0 in stage 2.


Fail Conditions

  1. All Players reach 0 HP

  2. Chane banishes all cards.


Shadow Deck Components

  • Shadow Deck - Use your pre-built Shadow deck. Sample Here

  • Adult Chane Token with Young Chane

  • Galaxxi Black Token

  • Soul Shackle Token

  • 2 Nullrune equipment


Scenario Setup

  • Put the Young Chane side face-up

  • Put a Galaxxi Black token in Chane's weapon slot

  • Put a Soul Shackle next to Chane to track the number of Soul Shackles n


Shadow Stage 1 Scenario Rules

  • Chane goes first, then the heroes

    • Ex: Chane's turn, Player 1 turn, Player 2 turn etc.​

  • Chane refreshes his hand at every end step, including in each player's end step.

  • When Chane is attacked, he blocks from hand until it is fully blocked. If is arcane, he has Arcane Barrier 2 and will pitch up 2 resources to prevent damage.

  • Young Change starts at 20HP and when he reaches 0, flip him to Adult Chane. Chane immediately starts his turn.


Chane Stage 1 Turn

  1. At the start of Chane's turn, complete the soul shackle requirement (banish the top cards equal to Soul Shackle)

  2. Pitch Chane's hand, and gain that many resources

  3. Create a soul shackle

  4. If a card can be played from banished zone, play it and gain go again from shackle. Always end the attack with Galaxxi Black.

  5. End phase, lose HP equal to Blood Debt.


Chane Transformation

  1. When Young Chane reaches 0 HP, flip him to Adult Chane

  2. Adult Chane's HP is based on Party Level (Party Level is average level of all party members)

    1. Party Level 3 and under: 20 HP​

    2. Party Level 4 and above: 40 HP


Shadow Stage 2 Scenario Rules

  • When Chane switches to adult Chane, he immediately starts his turn.​

  • Chane has a turn before every player.

  • Chane blocks every attack with 1 card, but will not block with more than 2 cards (Chane should always have 2 cards in hand at the end of each player's turn.) If it is arcane, he will pitch 1 card and prevent 2 Arcane Barrier.

  • All Blood Debt cards can be played from the banish zone and have go again.

  • If Chane's deck runs out, shuffle the discard pile into the deck. If he has banished all cards, you lose.

Chane Stage 2 Turn​

  1. At the start of Chane's turn, complete the soul shackle requirement.

  2. Pitch Chane's hand, and gain that many resources.

  3. Create a soul shackle.

  4. Play as many Blood Debt cards from the banish zone that Chane may pay for.

  5. End phase, lose HP equal to Blood Debt in banish zone.​


Player’s Turn


  • Play a turn as normal​


Developer Note: 


Optional Add-ons

  • Living Legend: Adult Chane has +10HP per player. Gain +1XP on Success.



Gain 5 XP and 1 Gold

Roll for Reward


Gain 3 XP and 1 Copper


You find yourself disoriented as íArathael dissipates into dust. The bright lights around you blind your vision temporarily, and the ringing in your ears gradually subsides. As your senses begin to return, you notice dark, sharp lines forming around you, slowly coalescing into a recognizable shape.


Before you stands a towering skyscraper, its sleek and imposing presence dominating the landscape. Neon lights cascade down from its upper reaches, casting an otherworldly glow that bathes you in an eerie, electric ambiance. Glowing in bold letters, pulsating with an almost hypnotic rhythm, the building bears the name - 


Teklo Industries

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