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Created for Blitz or Clash Decks!


Have fun! If there are any rules that are not fun, change them to how your group wants to play. For abilities and rules that are not covered, add them in and let me know how you like to do it!

Win Conditions

  • The Shadow wins if all the Defenders reach 0HP

  • The Survivors win if The Shadow has no cards in its library and no allies on the battlefield.


The Light and Shadow are at war. The Demonstary monsters have come to the Gates of Solana. It is up to the adventurers recruited by Shiyana to defend the city from Dusk til Dawn. 


For a complete tale, read Falling into Darkness

100 Card Deck

  • 65 Blood Debt Cards

  • 35 Shadow cards (any class) that do not have blood debt.

Deck Construction

  • Easy way to build a deck is grab your favorite Shadow cards and do 1 red, 2 yellow, 1 blues per card. Fill in some slots with cool cards that don’t have the rainbow colors (shadow hero specializations, majestics etc). Usually 2-4 of each of those are great fillers.

  • Bulk is best for the Shadow Deck

  • It is recommended to use at least a handful of shadow brute cards that have you banish up to 3 cards from the discard pile to create recursion with shadow rune blade cards. 

  • It is recommended to include def reactions in the deck, such as Unmovable or Guardian of the Shadowrealm.

Shadow Deck Rules

  • The Shadow casts cards from the top of the deck until they hit a non blood debt card.

  • The Shadow doesn't pay resource cost of anything

  • The Shadow counts as a shadow hero.

  • The Shadow has no life total. Damage dealt to The Shadow causes that many cards from the top of The Shadow's library to be put into its graveyard. 

  • For the purposes of cards like scar for scar, the Shadow always has more life than you (it has infinite life!)

  • If the Shadow deck has to make a decision it is done as randomly as possible

    • Ex: Soul Reaping requires you to banish 1 or more cards from hand instead of paying the cost. Roll a d4 (or d6, whatever you have on hand) to represent a hand and banish that many off the top of a deck.

  • All attack actions are also considered allies when they are played onto the battlefield.

  • All cards count count as defending in addition to an ally

    • Ex: cintari saber attacks a shadow ally. It is an attack actions so it the saber gains +1

    • Ex: dawnblade attacks a shadow ally. It is an ally and it counts as a hit

  • Runechants only trigger from Runegates. Do not apply runechants on every attack.

Shadow Turn Order

  • Put an Attack Action card in front of each player. These are now the Shadow’s allies.

First Turn
  • Shadow takes the first turn.

Phase 1: Reinforcement
  • Gain 1 Runechant (For Runegates only)

  • Reveal cards until you reveal a non blood debt card.

  • Starting with the player with the least amount of Shadow cards on their battlefield, add 1 attack action in their battlefield. 

    • Ex: In a 3 player game, each player has a Shadow ally in front of them. The Shadow flips 5 blood debt cards and Blood Tribute. Since each player has 1 Shadow in front of them, starting with player 1 (the leftmost player) the first attack action is put in front of them. Player 2, the 2nd attack action. Player 3, the 3rd attack action. Player 1, the 4th attack action. Player 2, the 5th attack action. Now Player 1 will have 3 Shadow allies attacking them this turn, player 2 will have 3, player 3 will have 2. If the players do not kill any of the Shadow allies the coming turn, then player 3 will be the player that the first attack action is applied to.

  • Reactions/Non-attack action- set these aside until you have finished Phase 2. Then attach them randomly to any attack action that it can be applied to. Non-attack actions apply for that turn, but reactions apply every turn that the attached “ally” attacks . If it cannot be applied to anything, randomly attach the non attack action to an attack action but that card does not gain the bonus of it. “Allies” gain the def value of the attached cards towards their HP.

    • Ex 1: A Blue seeds of agony is played, which says the next 0 cost attack action deals 1 arcane damage. A Bounding Demigon is played this turn as well. Seeds of agony can now be attached to the card to the Bounding Demigon, bringing the HP of the Bounding Demigon to 5 and it deals 1 arcane damage this turn. 

    • Ex 2: a pummel has been played, but there is no “ally” that has a cost of 2 or more. Randomly attach pummel to a card. That card only receives the +2HP, but not the ability of bonus attack and if it hits, opponent discards a card.

Phase 2: Banished Reinforcement
  • Cast any cards from the banished zone if you have met the criteria to do so. Follow the same rules as the Reinforcement step where you place the first attack action in front of the player with the least amount of Shadow allies in front of them. If a non-attack/reaction cannot be attached to a Shadow ally, it stays in the Banished Zone until it can.

    • ​Ex 1: Unhallowed Rites is in the banished zone. If you did not play a non-attack action this turn, it cannot be played from the banished zone.

    • Ex 2: Seeds of agony is in the banished zone, but there is no Ally on the field. Unless an ally is played from the banish zone, seeds of agony will stay in the banish until there are allies in play.

  • Runechant/runegate- When a card with Runegate is in the banish zone, remove x Runechants equal to the runegate x and apply them to the attack of the runegate minion. That Runegate minion will now deal x arcane with every attack.

Phase 3: Attack
  • Each Shadow ally attacks one at a time. They attack the hero that they are in front of.

  • If the Shadow has more than 1 target (ie, illusionists), you must randomly select the target they attack.

Phase 4: End Phase
  • All cards stay on the field except the following are discarded:

  • Attack action cards that do not have a defense (some brute cards do not have a block value), unless they have an attached card, in which case, they now have HP.

  • Instants that do no have a block value

Defenders Rules

  • Each player takes their turn separately.

  • When a hero goes to 0, at any point after that, another hero can heal them to "revive" them. 

  • You may choose to attack the Shadow deck or any Shadow allies on the battlefield

    • Shadow allies follow the same rule as all allies the total block of the stack is the total HP of the Ally

    • All Shadow allies count as on the battlefield. You can attack any Shadow allies in front of other players.

  • When attacking Shadow allies, all the cards in the stack count as blocking or blocking from hand

    • Ex: Oldhim attacks with Endless Winter at a Boundless Demigon with an Endless Seeds attached to it. If it was fused, the Shadow is blocking with 2 cards, which means that it will create 2 Frostbite tokens for the Shadow.

Special Rules


  • Dominate

    • ​Ignore any attached cards that are not def reactions on a Shadow ally and deal any excess damage to the Shadow deck.

  • Overpower

    • Any excess damage done to a Shadow ally will deal damage to the Shadow deck.

  • Phantasm
    • ​If a phantasm card attacks into a Shadow that has 6 or more attack, it triggers phantasm.


  • Go again

    • ​This does nothing in the Shadow deck. This will trigger on traps that trigger on go again on an attack. A non attack action or a reaction attached to an Shadow ally will trigger traps as well.

  • Add to Hand

    • If a card says to add it to your hand, that card is added to the top of the deck.

  • From Hand

    • if a card says to banish from hand or reference from hand, do the action from the top of the deck.

      • Ex: as an additional cost to play an action, banish a random card from hand. This would banish from the top of deck

    • If the Players do an ability that allows them to put a card from their opponents hand, it is done from the battlefield

      • Ex 1: Oldhim does his ability, a defense reaction that makes the opponent put a card from their hand on top of their deck. The Shadow would randomly choose a card (ally or attachment) not involved in the attack and in front of the Oldhim player and it would be placed on top of the Shadows deck.

      • Ex 2: Rhinar’s ability intimidates. The Shadow randomly chooses a card in front of Rhinar and it is banished facedown (It could be an ally or an attachment). At the end phase, because the card returns to the Shadow’s hand, it is put on top of the deck.

  • Shadow’s Arsenal

    • ​If something targets the Shadow’s arsenal, it targets the top card of the deck. 

      • Ex 1: Command & Conquer hits, discard the top of the deck before dealing damage

      • Ex 2: The Shadow’s arsenal is frozen. Set aside the top card of the deck facedown to represent the frozen card in the arsenal. When it unfreezes, put it back on top of the deck.

  • Opt x

    •  put x amount of cards from the top of the deck to the bottom of the deck.

  • Bloodrot

    • deals 2 dmg to the Shadow deck during their End Phase

  • Frailty

    • Put the token in front of a player. All attacking Shadow the next turn deal -1 damage to that player

  • Inertia

    • can be applied to a Shadow ally. During the Shadows end phase, that ally and all attached cards are put on the bottom of the Shadows deck as well as the top card of the Shadow deck.

  • Frostbite

    • When a Shadow ally comes into play, attach the frostbites to it and it deals x less atk, x equal to the frostbites. The Frostbite is discarded when the Shadow ally attacks.

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