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Unveiling Bounty Hunters of Ardenvale

November 29, 2023 - Nathaniel Dalton

For the past couple of months there has been a lapse in blog posts. This was due to the fact that I have been deep in game design. There have been some updates to Unofficial FaB PvE and exploration into FaB Clash with more FaB content on the way. However, I have 3 games that are in active development. One of which it is my absolute pleasure to introduce today: Bounty Hunters of Ardenvale. It is a Print and Play trick taking card game created by Sean Dalton and game design by myself, Nathaniel Dalton.

Bounty Hunters of Ardenvale plays similar to Spades, Hearts, and Fox in the Forest. If you are unfamiliar with a trick taking game, the basic rules are simple. You use a normal deck of playing cards (or in Fox in the Forest case, a specialized deck based off of playing cards.) A player starts by playing a card face up in the middle. This is the start of a "trick". All other players must play the same suit (Spades etc.) and the player with the highest card wins. If you don't have the same suit, you may play any card you want. There is always a suit that wins if it is the only one played. In Spades it is a spade, Hearts it is a heart, and Fox in the Forest it can change. The winner starts the next "trick".

Now this is where the fun part comes in! You choose a woodland bounty hunter, each with their own special abilities when you play a specific card and in order to win the player that receives the most points from a contract wins that round! It has been an absolute blast creating new bounty hunters and playing it with my kids!

The purpose to this game was to create a fun Print and Play by keeping the game simple and clean. I plan on making it available in the near future so that you can enjoy it over the holiday season so stay tuned and join us next week as we go behind the scenes in the design of the game. Check out some samples below.


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