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Welcome to Bold Brew Games!

Welcome to Bold Brew Games blog. We are two brother’s, Nathaniel and Sean, who are aspiring board game designers. Our passion for games runs deep from our early childhood and has only grown especially in the golden age of board games we are currently in.

Sean Dalton

Favorite Game: Legendary

Favorite type of Game: Tabletop RPG

Goal for the year: complete Dungeon23 challenge

I’ll start off with my favorite game. It’s tough to pick just one, but I think I have to say Marvel Legendary. It’s close between that and Gloomhaven, but Legendary is just so quick and easy to get to the table; that, and it’s incredibly addicting to collect expansions. I’m also into tabletop RPGs. While I mostly GM, it’s always nice to get to be a player every now and then. I do an incredible amount of homebrew, and I especially love hacking up systems. My RPG of choice right now is definitely Old School Essentials. It’s very easy to hack and create homebrew for. I did play D&D 5e for quite a few years, but a couple of years ago I started trying out new systems and have hardly touched it since. There’s just so many good games out there to try!

Moving on, let’s talk about my plans for projects. My focus is mainly going to be on a dungeon crawler board game I have been working on, on and off, for close to a year. I’ll wait for future posts to go into detail about it, but the main idea is a sandbox dungeon game built on a d10 system. I am also taking on the Dungeon23 challenge this year! If you haven’t heard of it, the premise is to spend the year building a mega dungeon. You build one room a day, seven days a week, so by the end of each month you have a full floor completed. At the end of the year, you have your very own twelve floor mega dungeon! My last post of each month will compile the full month’s work, breaking down that month’s entire floor into one post.

Having to stick to a regular blogging schedule should help me stay focused on regularly getting work done for these projects. It can be hard to make game design a priority in daily busy life, and I don’t know about you, but setting aside time for design can be really f#$&ing hard. Often, after a long day’s work, all I want to do is just sit down and play a video game for maybe an hour, if I’m lucky. Having to stick to a schedule will give me the motivation to push through that and just get some great design work or playtesting done. I’m looking forward to seeing where this design journey will lead!

Nathaniel Dalton

Favorite Game: Xia: a Drift System.

Favorite Style of Game: Card game battler

Goal for the Year: Create a PnP of a game!

Welcome! Let’s start off with my favorite game, Xia: a Drift System. This is designed by Cody Miller (and Ira Fay in later expansions) who basically fell into the game design world! He created it as more of a passion project but, as the story that I’ve heard goes, his friends and family loved playing it so much he decided to bring it to Kickstarter. It’s a Sci-Fi spaceship sandbox where you can do anything in it! I love it because even if you are “losing” you are playing the game the way you want (it’s a sandbox!) and still loving every second of it. I also love basically every single type of Deck Builder! I have yet to play one that I have not enjoyed.

My favorite type of game is card game battlers. I’m a huge Star Realms fan and have more recently re-found my love for TCG’s. Currently I run a Youtube channel, Mean Mugging & Games, with Mike where we cover Sorcery, Kryptik, FaB and other games. The ironic thing about this all is if you look at our favorite games, Sean’s favorite is a card game (a deck builder at that!) and mine is a sandbox game (which is right up Sean’s alley.)

I have a few games that I am working on, all of which are more card game driven. Currently I am creating the Unofficial FaB Campaign utilizing one of the best TCG’s out there, Flesh and Blood. The beginning of that can be found on our website right now! Another project is a board game, Glockport Foundry, where you compete against other foundries to create an invention empire using unique worker placement mechanics.


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