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Fab Clash: Heavy Hitters B&R Update

January 31, 2024 - Nathaniel Dalton

Between each set, the Clash Committee has conversations on if there is any cards that may need banned or restricted. Because Clash also uses commoner's banned list, much of what we are looking at are the Rares and Specializations. With each new set, there will be a Ban and Restricted update.

Clash Bans

No Bans!

A couple of months ago, LSS did an update to the commoner bans. Specifically, they banned Amulet of Ice and Stubby Hammerers. These were two cards that were already on the Clash Committees watch list and we were actively discussing if they do need to be dealt with. These are difficult decisions to make since they are common, powerful, but were still legal in commoner. Unfortunately for commoner, there is no Committee to make these decisions quickly. However, LSS listened to the commoner community and did make decisions to ban them. This went into effect immediately for commoner and in turn, Clash.

How Commoner Bans affect Clash

Moving forward, commoner bans will immediately affect Clash. However, if there is an update either right before or during the Clash Bash top 8, those matches will not be affected by it. These players are supposed to lock in their decks and we will not expect them to have to make adjustments to a ban that we are not privy to ahead of time.

Clash Bash League

Speaking of the Clash Bash league, it is almost here! Starting February 12, there will be an online Clash league. It is designed to play at your leisure over the course of several weeks. All you need to do is play 8 different opponents in that time span. For more details and how to sign up check out last weeks post. I am super excited to get to play with you all and experiment over the next several weeks in the Clash Bash!


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